Predictive Maintenance

Predictive Maintenance

Act pro-actively using the realistic predictive methods that detect failures and prompt maintenance.

Dolphin Monitoring™ ProAct module is a marine specialized application based predictive maintenance solution that provides real-time insights, detects failures early and prescribes maintenance actions using continuous monitoring technologies, machine learning techniques, and big data analytics. The predictive maintenance model is processed with a 360° view of asset utilization by using a combination of marine engineering and data analytics. The module runs on a real-time basis, learns from sensor data of associated assets, and utilizes the right machine learning algorithm to provide actionable insights. The user-friendly dashboard incorporates an alert mechanism to identify performance degradations early and guides users to understand the root cause and take appropriate action.


Key Features

  • Advanced anomaly detection using machine learning.
  • Intelligent early alerting mechanism with actionable recommendations.
  • Online equipment performance analysis reports.
  • Shop trial comparison against current performance.
  • Mobile application (Android & iOS) support.
  • Assess current health and estimate remaining useful life (RUL) of equipment (Plus version).
  • Maintenance log with ERP integration (Plus version).



  • Increases asset reliability and availability.
  • Optimizes maintenance costs and improves maintenance planning.
  • Mitigates operational risks.
  • Reduces total cost of ownership.
  • Provides continuous visibility of asset condition.